Obtain Business Number (BN) in Canada

Obtain Business Number (BN) in Canada

Starting a business in Canada implies following several steps, among which some are mandatory, while others are not. Obtaining a business number (BN) can become mandatory for companies in certain industries, while for others it needs not to be obtained. The business number is also known as the tax ID number of a company. Below, we have prepared…
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Choose Officers for Your Company in Canada

Choose Officers for Your Company in Canada

Setting up a business in Canada takes several steps, among which the first ones imply appointing company officers. The Company Law contains various provisions on the officers who need to be appointed when opening a company in Canada. Among the most important officers in a Canadian company are the shareholders and the directors, however, depending on the…
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Obtain Work Permit in Canada

Obtain Work Permit in Canada

Those who want to immigrate to Canada are required to go through a specific procedure depending on the reason they want to move here. Many people relocate with the purpose of setting up a business in Canada, however, there are also plenty of foreign citizens who come here for work reasons. Those who…
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General Guide on Company Formation in Canada

General Guide on Company Formation in Canada

Canada is currently one of the most sought countries to relocate in. This is because the government has created various programs through which foreign citizens are allowed to enter the country for employment or investment reasons. Even if most of them come here for work, the easy company registration process allows them…
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