7 Advantages of Opening a Company in Canada

Canada is one of the largest countries in the world which is why it attracts a significant number of investors on an annual basis. However, the size of a country is not sufficient for choosing a country for starting a business and this is also the case of Canada.

When it comes to other reasons for opening a business in Canada, we have stopped at 7 such reasons which make the country very appealing.

Our company formation agents in Canada can help foreign investors who want to start their own businesses here.

What are the 7 most important reasons for investing in Canada?

Here is what one should consider when deciding that Canada is a great business location and is worth opening a company in:

  1. it offers access to customers all over the world (Canada has one of the largest consumer markets in the world);
  2. it is rich in one of the most important and sought natural resources in the world: oil;
  3. it has one of the safest financial systems in the world, according to Moody’s Investor Services;
  4. it offers one of the most stable economic environments at an international level;
  5. it has one of the most advantageous taxation systems in the world giving investors multiple possibilities in terms of provinces to open companies in;
  6. the Investment Canada Act which is the main law providing for advantageous conditions for foreign investors to open companies here;
  7. the possibility of opening a company as a resident (through a special residency program) or as non-resident.

The list of reasons why Canada is worth opening company in can continue, which is why we invite you to discuss with our local consultants for further information.

1.Worldwide access to customers

As mentioned above, Canada offers access to one of the largest customer bases in the world. In numbers, this means 1,5 billion consumers in 51 countries on all continents as the country is a G7 member. As a matter of fact, Canada is the only G7 country to have such a large consumer market.

If you want to start a trading business in Canada, our specialists can help you register it.

2.Natural resources attract thousands of investors every year

One of the 7 reasons to make Canada an appealing destination for opening a company is natural resources, such as oil and gas. Canada has the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world and the province of Alberta alone has an oil reserve the size of the Middle East.

3.Canada has one of the soundest financial systems in the world

One of the main reasons to keep a country’s economically stable is the banking system and from this point of view, foreign investors can rest assured if they decide to open companies in Canada. According to Moody’s, in 2018, Canada had the safest banking systems in the world in terms of safety and financial strength.

If you are interested in the legislation governing the financial system, our company registration advisors in Canada can help you.

4.Canada offers economic stability

As mentioned above, economic stability is very important when setting up a company and Canada offers plenty of that. According to Forbes, Canada was ranked as the best country for doing business in the world thanks to the lack of red tape, increased investor protection and trade freedom (Forbes’ Best Countries for Business Report 2016).

Our Canadian company formation advisors can help you register a business here.

5.Taxation makes Canada very appealing for business

With a multi-tier taxation system which implies the federal, provincial and territorial corporate taxes, Canada offers the possibility for foreign investors to choose where to set up companies in based on the taxes they must pay.

Our local consultants can offer updated information on Canada’s taxation system.

6.The Investment Canada Act

The Canadian government knows how important foreign investors are, which is why the Investment Act provides for the incentives offered to those who want to open companies here. Openness in most investment sectors and tax incentives for foreign direct investments are just two of the aspects covered by this law.

7.Open a company as resident or non-resident in Canada

Canada is one of the few countries to offer the possibility to foreign investors to move here or remain in their home countries and operate companies in Canada. No matter your choice, our agents can help open a company as a resident or non-resident in Canada.

Why start a business in Canada

If the information above did not convince you yet, here are other few interesting facts about Canada:

  • in 2018, foreign direct investments increased by 70% in Canada (compared to most of the countries where such investments dropped);
  • according to the World Bank, Canada was the 10th largest economy in the world in 2018;
  • Canada has 26 airports, 17 seaports, and 116 entry points to the USA;
  • Canada was voted the most appealing country for entrepreneurs in 2019, according to OECD’s Talent Attractiveness Report.

For assistance in setting up a company in Canada, please contact us.

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